The path of love is true abundance.
Your heart is the compass.
When we join our heart's longing with action, we find that there's a sacred way to move through the world. And it doesn't involve grasping for relationship, for attention, for love.
The sacred way is a path of steady, quiet alignment between the hearts intention and our every step.
When you move in this way, approaching every situation with love - people, relationships, work - they all move into alignment with you. Without striving to find love, a loving relationship will find you. It is the intention behind every action you take that changes the outcome.
If you are in a relationship, think about your intention when you speak to your partner; is it coming from the heart or mind, is it an act of manipulation for your pleasure, for your benefit, or is it to create more love. The same for our work. What is the intention for the work you are currently doing. We can receive what we need without fighting for it or trying to secure it through manipulation.
When prayer joins right action, when we move from that intention of creating love, then abundance is inevitable. And when we seek not just for ourselves, but also for the benefit of our loved ones and community, our needs are divinely met.
The most sacred path is the one abundant with love.
My heart is a compass
May I let it guide me on my adventure through life
The path of love is true abundance
Nothing but Love.
Teaching from February 14th 2023
Kriya taught: Electromagnetic Field Set