Kundalini Yoga is made up of a plethora of healing tools, from breath-work techniques, physical kriya's and a variety of meditations, with and without mantra. Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to begin when choosing the appropriate practice to address your personal needs.
As the saying goes, the classics are often the best and most effective.
Sodarshan Chakra Kriya sits alongside Sat Kriya and Kirtan Kriya as a Kundalini essential. Nevertheless, it is frequently overlooked, possibly due to the fact that, despite being the most straightforward, it is also one of the most challenging!
The combination of breath-work, navel pumping and mantra associated with Sodarshan is intense, requiring practice, which is why many discard this kriya. And yet, as any Kundalini practitioner will tell you, all yoga begins at the navel. The special pain associated with Stretch Pose to stimulate and centre the navel centre is transformative, resetting the entire nervous system and boosting resolve and self-esteem.

And so, the same transformative powers are unleashed when you practice Sodarshan Kriya due to the focus on the navel. This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. The personal identity is rebuilt, giving you a new perspective on the Self. It retrains the mind. It will give you a new start. When the subconscious starts to release its rubbish into the conscious mind, problems start to enter our life. This kriya invokes the kundalini to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind. This cleansing work doesn't happen overnight. Each piece of negative rubbish in the subconscious has its own time to clear. If you are going to clean your mind, you estimate and clean it as fast or as slow as you wish. But my advice is to start practicing this one slowly - the slower the better. And the inner happiness, the ecstasy in life, the state of flow will emerge in its own time.

POSTURE: sit in easy pose with a straight spine, and a light Neck Lock
EYE FOCUS: eyes are fixed at the tip of the nose.
a) block the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly through the left nostril. Suspend the breath. Mentally chant the mantra:
WHA-HAY GU-ROO 16 times. Pull the navel in 1/3 of the way on WHA, 1/3 further in on HAY, and all the way in on GUROO. Then release the navel completely, and begin again. Repeat this process, mentally chanting the mantra.
b) after 16 repetitions, unblock the right nostril. Place the right index finger (little finger can also be used) to block off the left nostril, and exhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril.
c) continue repeating a) and b)
TIME: 11-31 minutes.
TO END: inhale, hold the breath 5-10 seconds, then exhale. Stretch the arms up and shake every part of your body for 1 minute, so the energy can spread.
Don't forget to tune in and out before and after practice.
If you would like a private class to demonstrate and assist you in getting started with Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, please book here.
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