The only sure and steady feature of my day at the moment is Sadhana.... my Kundalini yoga practice before sunrise. It's always there to greet me at pretty much the same time every morning, without fail, like a trusted close friend. It's so easy to maintain regularity these days because I'm not travelling, not flying off to my beloved Sri Lanka, when jet lag and time zone differences can throw this routine into disarray.

Once the sun rises I wait to see what the day will bring. Locking down at home has highlighted the wonder of waiting, rather than searching. And it never fails to make me smile when the creativity unfolds; the ideas spring into mind seemingly from nowhere; a message pings into my inbox to launch the idea even further ahead, and before I know it, another day has drawn to an end with a new project launched. It feels rather like being on retreat in Sri Lanka where daily routines are ditched, except for morning yoga and treatment, and the adventures then pour in like anonymous surprises, no one really quite sure how they happened!

A cry for help to soothe the emotions and upset of my 11 year old niece who was feeling the strain of lock-down, led to us spending some special time together on Zoom, sharing Kundalini kriyas and meditations. One day, a slip of the hand, inadvertently pressed the record button, leaving behind the rather beautiful gift of being able to re-live our yoga class moment again. We both decided it would be a good idea to share these lessons with others; with parents and children who were maybe having the same problems with sleep, emotions, worry....stress.
And so this is how one insignificant, unplanned event, like pressing "record" in error, highlighted the possibilities of spreading kindness, love and healing to others. My video classes are real, home-made and human, not perfect in the quality of lighting or sound, but even within their imperfections there are lessons to be learned. Drop the seeking for perfection in your day, in the manner with which you work, create and rest. Become aware of your judgemental mind, because it is frequently ready to classify life as good or bad, beautiful or ugly, positive or negative.....
For once, just allow it to be. Be neutral. And most importantly, embrace the mistakes, because they will open up the buds of wisdom which hold those little gems that make your day shine.

Take a look at our Video Classes
A monthly subscription helps you develop a Yogi Home Practice, giving you unlimited access to all video classes, including the Maya collection, my favourite kriyas and meditations and even some videos to help you recreate the Sri Lanka Yoga Retreat at Home (not as good as the real thing of course....but when in lock-down!). The subscription also gives you access to all life Zoom classes, as well as unlimited support via email or zoom from Ranjan and me.
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The videos can also be purchased individually if you are not yet ready to commit to a Yogi Home Practice subscription.