Wake up, Wake Up
A work-out in the gym, pumping the body awake, sweating out the pain with the hope of emerging alive... awake even ?
A momentary high lasts a few hours as hormones engulf the body's highways before the numbness returns and our sensory system closes down once again.
No matter what you do...exercise, eat well, massage the body, sauna, hot tub...do you still feel like something is missing, numb, not quite whole?
The problem lies with our obsession on the physical body, as if this is the extent of who we are. By ignoring all the other fascinating, subtle, multi-dimensional aspects that make up our essence, it's of no surprise that we continuously feel unbalanced in spite of all our best efforts.
We are more complex, more than just the physical body, and it all needs to be balanced in order for us to feel right, to unleash our full potential and live our best life.
In Kundalini Yoga we understand the body in this way:
3 mental bodies
6 energy bodies
and your physical body.
Yes...you counted correctly - 10 bodies, not one. So no wonder we struggle to feel vibrant when we've been ignoring the other nine parts of us!
Here is a succinct description of your ten bodies:
Soul Body - This is your first body, your foundational and true self, found in the heart space.
Negative Mind -this is often our strongest "body", constantly working to assess our environment and situations for danger or negative potential. It is the protective aspect of the mind that needs control and balance. Too much and you may miss the opportunities of life. Too little and you may get burned easily.
Positive Mind - this mental body works to assess what is beneficial, positive and affirming. It sees opportunity and allows us to identify resources. It gives us our willpower as well as our playfulness. Everything we do to strengthen our navel point (a strong core) which in turns increases our self-esteem, is beneficial for this vital mental body.
Neutral Mind - this is the third mental body that is frequently under-utilised or simply not activated. This mind absorbs and evaulates the assessments from the Negative and the Positive Minds and delivers guidance to us. Meditation is the tool for activating and balancing this body.
Physical Body - this is the temple where all the bodies dwell in some way, shape or form and, as we all know, it loves regular exercise.

6. Arcline - visualise your arcline body as a halo, extending from earlobe to earlobe. Women have a second arcline across the breast line. Our arcline body gives us the ability to both project as well as be intuitive. This body grants us the ability to focus as well as meditate.
7. Aura - this body is our electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds our Physical Body. Our aura acts as a container for prana, life force energy. It also acts as a shield of protection. Meditation is also beneficial for this body, as well as wearing natural fibres. The colour white, which holds all the colours of the spectrum, is believed to expand and magnify our Aura.

8. Pranic Body - by breathing, we are constantly working with our Pranic Body to bring in life force. This body gives us the gift of energy for action and accomplishment. All pranayama (breathwork exercises) will have a postive impact on our Pranic Body.
9. Subtle Body - this body allows us to see beyond what is in front of us to the universal play of everything. Our subtle body is deeply woven with our Soul Body. Our capacity for mastery is held in this body. Doing a kundalini practice for 1000 days in a row is a way to balance the Subtle Body.
10. Radiant Body - this body is exactly as it sounds - it gives us our radiance as well as our courage, our nobility. People that are magnetic and/or charismatic are great examples of well developed and balanced Radiant Bodies. The greatest thing we can do for our Radiant Body is to have commitment. To be committed to our practice, our faith, to kindness, truth and excellence in life, is a great way to amplify our radiance.

All Kundalini kriyas work on these ten bodies - some with more emphasis on certain bodies than others.
A good place to start your exploration of the Ten Bodies is with the kriya: "Awakening to the Ten Bodies"
A monthly subscription of £25 gives you access to all online classes and to a library of pre-recorded video classes, including Awakening to the Ten Bodies.