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Louise Luiggi on a yoga retreat in Corsica
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Louise Luiggi

My story revolves around islands and sea. Little did I  know how much island life & the water would influence me, having started my life in Nottingham, which is quite a trek from any coast-line. But for many years I was living unconnected to myself, following the path of years of conditioning - uni, career, marriage, wife & mother - all the traditional labels that had to be ticked in order to experience so called success. 




This external striving for acknowledgement & recognition inevitably took its toll on my body and health. My kidneys gave me all the warning signs that something was amiss but I battled on, ignoring the causes, simply treating the symptoms. How ironic that the organs linked to water and flow were screaming for me to listen, to head for the sea and STOP. But for many years I didn't....

I married a Corsican, which means I married into a huge Mediterranean family, on a tiny island with a very different culture. This is where I found the sea, my saviour, my healing escape when island family life became too much. I discovered how the power of water helps us feel connection, oneness, and began to understand its natural healing qualities.

I practiced yoga regularly during my 20s and 30s as a means to maintain flexibility. As a child I had competed as an elite gymnast, having always loved movement and so some challenging yogi stretching suited my competitive ego perfectly at this time.

I'm not completely sure of the precise moment when I felt something was missing in my life - but the combination of screaming kidneys and a snapped Achilles tendon brought everything to a grinding halt and my life was forced to slow. Suddenly I could see, feel and acknowledge. 
However, the true discovery of Self only really began in earnest when after searching for alternatives, I fell upon Kundalini Yoga. What a life-changer the year-long teacher training course turned out to be!
Louise Luiggi
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Why Immortelle?
Corsica is the Mediterranean home of my former life partner. It is also the home of Immortelle, the distinctive and aromatic flower that grows profusely along the coast and the inspiration for the name of my yoga business. 
It has many healing properties, particularly for the skin, and its unique scent encapsulates the essence of Corsica.
Immortelle is just like the teachings of Yoga & Ayurveda.....everlasting. An incredible flower that never dies, its beautiful scent surviving the seasons, going on and on....
Immortelle everlasting flowers by the sea in Corsica
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Louise has practiced Yoga for over 20 years, starting with Hatha and now sharing the sacred teachings of Kundalini Yoga.

She graduated from a year-long Kundalini Teacher Training course in November 2017. KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) Level 1. And she is deepening her practice further as she works towards Level 2.

Kundalini Teacher Training Certificate Level 1 - KRI

Louise is also a fully qualified Watsu Practitioner (water therapy treatment), registered on the WABA  list of worldwide Watsu practitioners.  


Go to Watsu and find out more about this powerful healing therapy.
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